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The professional services sector has traditionally attracted work through referrals, word of mouth, recommendations, relationships and networks.

With the increase of businesses online presence, multiple social media platforms and technical digital marketing and advertising, firms need to be aware of the constant changes in the market and to keep up with fierce competition.

Today, marketing and business development is an integral part of the professional services strategy and can no longer be dependent on who you know. Many professional services firms outsource marketing for a number of different reasons.

Here are 5 Reasons why…

1. Time - This is probably one of the main reasons professional services firms outsource marketing. Their day job is their priority and managing client expectations. Trying to fit in time for marketing and enough regular time to move forward is very difficult.

2. Budget - Some firms particularly smaller firms don’t have the budget to employ an internal marketing person. ‘Outsourcing on a pay per use basis’ frees up overheads and internal resource to get on with the day job and generate fees.

3. Expertise - Many firms appreciate and require expertise and outsourcing to experts can provide the right advice, skills and high-quality results they are after.

4. External point of view – Professional services firms are valuable experts in their specialism and some firms don’t know what they should be doing and if what they are doing is working. Outsourcing not only provides firms with reassurance but it gives new ideas by having that external point of view and benefits from external experts, experience - what works and what doesn’t.

5. Focus - Outsourcing means that a firm’s marketing can be handled by an external specialist team. It allows firms to get on with the day job and business, focussing on other key areas that need to be taken forward and managed.

Some professional services firms rely on outsourced marketing to keep up to speed on latest marketing developments and to better understand and appreciate the market and competition.

Whilst some outsource adhoc, short-term marketing activities, others outsource for regular assistance and support with longer term strategy and development.

If you don’t have an internal marketing department or even if you do, you might be considering a future outsource resource. Dependent on your needs it is always beneficial to weigh the pros and cons and what is right for your business.

About the author

Rachel Wright

Rachel is Head of Marketing Operations at Cal Partners and is a Chartered Marketer. She began working in marketing in 2007 and has a particular specialism in the professional services sector.

Marketing for Professional Services

Cal Partners

The go-to strategic marketing partner for ambitious professional services