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Conversion Marketing

How much have you invested into getting eyes on your webpage? Sending traffic to your website is only part of the battle. 

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) helps your visitors to take the desired action. Put simply, we can help you turn those clicks into clients.

The most important part of the digital marketing process

You’re probably familiar with investing heavily in digital marketing strategies. Perhaps you’ve spent time and money on search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, social media and paid advertising.

But what actually happens when your website visitors land? There are so many factors that could stop your website traffic from becoming valuable clients. Anything from slow load times to unclear calls-to-action could cause them to abandon your site and move on to the next one on their list.

Pushing up your conversion rates

The good news is that you can fix these user experience (UX) errors. A great way to measure website performance is conversion rate. This is the number of visitors divided by how many people converted (made a sale, downloaded a PDF, contacted you etc.). If two people converted for every 100 visits, we’d call this a conversion rate (CR) of 2%.

CRO helps to improve these metrics by enhancing the website user’s experience. By getting a higher number of conversions from our visitors, we see a higher return on investment.

How does the CRO process work?

We’ll help you to improve your website conversion rate by analysing user journeys. Your optimisation efforts should not be an afterthought, but a consistent process of continuous improvement, informed by relentless testing and tracking.

Our CIM-trained experts will help push up your site’s conversion rate using the latest industry tools. This may include things like heat map testing, which analyses user behaviour on a page. Other conversion rate optimization tools involve A/B testing. This is essentially serving two versions of the same content to different site visitors. For example, some users may see a different ‘call to action’ button from another set. This helps us see which page designs work best at keeping visitors on your website and turning clicks into clients.

The smallest of changes can have a significant impact on website usability and, in turn, your bottom line. The right conversion rate optimisation strategies can also save significant costs on overhauling a whole website. By identifying issues and obstacles, we can help you keep your target audience happy.  

How we can help your Conversion Rate Optimisation:

  • A/B Testing
  • Heat Mapping
  • Customer/Client Journey
  • Customer/Client Testing
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Chatbots
  • Calls to Action (CTA)
  • Landing Pages
  • Goal Setting
  • Analytics

Get in touch with us today. 


What is conversion rate optimisation (CRO)?

CRO (or conversion rate optimisation) involves regularly testing and revising websites, landing pages, contact forms and other ‘calls to action’ such as an event booking, a webinar sign up or thought leadership white paper download. By identifying user problems, we can make these perform better, keep visitors for longer and reduce high bounce rates. This in turn will result in higher conversion rates, such as email sign-ups, appointment/event bookings or app downloads.

Bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors who leave the website after viewing only one page, without clicking on any links or submitting any forms. Although some bounces are inevitable, a high bounce rate could be an indication that your content is not engaging or optimised properly.

The user experience has never been more important. If your website is difficult or time-consuming to navigate, including on a mobile device, users will quickly go elsewhere. CRO testing helps to identify what may be slowing users down or frustrating them. An intuitive and user-friendly experience will make it easier for users to find answers and engage with you.

User experience (UX) is about how easy your website is to navigate. CRO uses the results of UX testing to inform changes that will improve conversions. This could mean moving clickable buttons to a different position on the page (so that you are more likely to click on them) or shortening the sequence of the booking process.

While CRO is great for increasing e-commerce conversions, it’s not its only use. Our specialist teams can look at all your website functionality, from contact forms to PDF downloads. Often, this will depend on your industry and what you’re trying to achieve. With our extensive professional services experience and expertise, we can get started without having to ask you about the industry.


A call to action tells your visitors what to do once they’ve landed on your website. It prompts them to take the next step by highlighting the benefits of doing so. Examples include - ‘Learn More’, ‘Book Now’, 'Download’ or ‘Call Us’. You can find calls to action anywhere, but particularly on the homepage, FAQs or transactional pages.

There are many ways you can improve conversion rates. CRO tools like Hotjar help to identify problems by looking at user testing. The optimisation process is about removing barriers to conversions. There should be nothing stopping a user from completing actions like getting in touch, buying a product or downloading a file. The right website design will stop barriers such as slow-loading pages or pop-ups. Even a change of colour can increase conversions – it all comes down to testing and looking at things from the user’s perspective.

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