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New Year for many involves resolutions, change, and a fresh start. So now is the ideal time for Professional Services Firms to review and evaluate their marketing priorities, making sure that they are on top of the latest trends and developments.

We’ve set out some key marketing and digital marketing trends for your firm to focus on in 2018. 

1. Social Media – Social media for businesses is rapidly becoming the most effective way to reach audiences. It’s vital that you have a social media strategy in place and the right tools in the background to help optimise and make the most of your content. Recognising the opportunities in social media, firms are starting to redirect their marketing budgets to social media advertising.

2. Content Marketing – Providing useful educational content and becoming a thought leader in your field builds trust and authenticity with your target audience. With changing rules on platforms such as Facebook, original and transparent content is vital. Simply repurposing content is becoming harder and firms need to invest in and plan the delivery of original content. A first step is to create a content schedule, detailing topics covered, format (for example Blogs), how often and where the content is delivered - then stick to it.

3. Video – Video will continue to grow, if you haven’t already invested in video then make some time to start. An easy, low cost starting point, is to use live video at events or record any presentations or seminars you hold. Also, having an informative discussion with your target audience, breaking down snippets of video to drip feed through your website and social media is a great way of interacting with and engaging your audience. Short video testimonials from satisfied clients are easy to shoot, are very powerful in professional services and can be easily distributed through all your digital channels.

4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – Keeping on top of Google searches is still a key marketing component. With constantly changing algorithms, it is essential to stay ahead of the game. Adding rich, useful content to your website and regularly reviewing and updating existing content is therefore key. It is also worth investing time in understanding your website’s analytics and knowing what is bringing traffic to your site and what isn’t working so well.

5. GDPR – With the looming May deadline for the General Data Protection Regulations, companies actively need to put in place processes and policies in the way in which they handle personal information and data. To evaluate what steps you need to take ahead of the Regulations, examine how and where you collect, store and keep personal data as well how you collect consent. Liaise with your strategic partners such as CRM, case management, IT support providers and web developers, as well as researching relevant online tools that can help manage and record the way in which you ensure personal data is secure and the right permissions and policies are in place.

About the author

Rachel Wright

Rachel is Head of Marketing Operations at Cal Partners and is a Chartered Marketer. She began working in marketing in 2007 and has a particular specialism in the professional services sector.

Marketing for Professional Services

Cal Partners

The go-to strategic marketing partner for ambitious professional services